ALEMANHA – 27/03 – Critical Mass München – Solidarität mit Sao Paolo

Anote na agenda: dia 27 de março

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Captura de Tela 2015-03-23 às 12.18.07



Liebe FreundInnen und RadlerInnen Münchens,

soeben erreicht uns eine Nachricht der Massa Crítica Sao Paolo mit der Bitte um internationale Solidarität. Der Bau von Fahrradwegen in dieser Millionen Metropole wurde von der Bundesanwaltschaft ausgesetzt “under the argument that the previous studies lack information on the impact of such developments. We, cyclists, on the other hand, know exactly what is going on. They want to protect the use of cars which moves enormous sums of money in our city. The huge mass of cyclists agree on the urgency of this plan and that it can encourage lots of people to stop using their cars every day and start using their bicycles. Next Friday, 28/march, we are going to the streets to fight in a huge movement to stand up for our safety and to ask that the project is resumed and not stopped as a little part of the government wants. So i’m searching for help of all critical mass around the globe to go to the streets in solidarity to São Paulo. So far we have found great help within our country’s borders, but we all agree that this international support could be a huge boost to our requests.” Daher rufen wir zum Soli-Critical-Mass-Radln in München auf. Critical Mass ist international und gemeinsam sind wir stärker! Bis nächsten Freitag!

WICHTIG!! Wir treffen uns um 20:00 und fahren traditionell um ca. 20:30 los. Bitte kommt oben an die Bavaria, damit wir gemeinsam als Gruppe losfahren können.

por Critical Mass München

CLIQUE AQUI e divulgue as Bicicletadas do BRASIL e do MUNDO!


logo-bce46fba8e10112b7cf38bcd469ffa5f    Las Magrelas  bike anjo

Silvia Ballan, mãe,ciclista, bike anjo,  bikerrepórter e colaboradora do Bike é Legal da Renata Falzoni, mãe de Nina, 7, Bia, 16, acredita na educação das crianças em espaços públicos, na rua, na troca … As crianças e adultos são capazes e possuem habilidades para descobrir problemas e solucioná-los de maneira consciente quando conhecem e vivem a cidade.
cheguei_de_bike_positivo-copy Captura de Tela 2015-02-12 às 17.07.50Captura de Tela 2014-12-30 às 23.05.28


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